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APSB 50137

Owner:  Palana Stud Fjord Horses (Kerrie Prescott)


Breeder:  Palana Stud Fjord Horses (Kerrie Prescott)


Location:  Emita, Flinders Island, Tasmania


Country of origin: Australia


Sire:  Palana Tyson APSB 10071


Dam:  Inga APSB 33138


Sire of Dam:  Naustdal (Imp) APSB 8341 (dec)


Sire of Sire:  Lexon APSB 8343 (dec)


Date of birth: 6 November 2010


Height (at date of measure):  14 hands


Colour:  Brown dun


Colour genetics:  Not applicable


Breeding status: Brood mare


Performance record / work level:  See below


Licenses: (Breeding license from overseas, EA competition license etc):  Not applicable


Georgie Girl, like her older brother Palana Elfin, is a big Fjord who has an exceptionally steady and unflappable temperament.  Having done a year of Straightness Training (groundwork, in-hand and lungeing), Georgie will be broken in to saddle and harness this year (2016) before going into foal using imported frozen semen.  We have high hopes for her breeding career.

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